Before filing a new case with the Court, the appropriate filing document(s) must be filled out, signed (per "Rule 2.257. Requirements for signatures on documents" below) and be ready for upload.
Visit the Judicial Council of California website at the following link to identify the forms required for filing:
How This Works
Rule 2.257. Requirements for signatures on documents (a) Documents signed under penalty of perjury When a document to be filed electronically provides for a signature under penalty of perjury, the following applies:- The document is deemed signed by the declarant if, before filing, the declarant has signed a printed form of the document.
- By electronically filing the document, the electronic filer certifies that (1) has been complied with and that the original, signed document is available for inspection and copying at the request of the court or any other party.
- At any time after the document is filed, any other party may serve a demand for production of the original signed document. The demand must be served on all other parties but need not be filed with the court.
- Within five days of service of the demand under (3), the party on whom the demand is made must make the original signed document available for inspection and copying by all other parties.
- At any time after the document is filed, the court may order the filing party to produce the original signed document in court for inspection and copying by the court. The order must specify the date, time, and place for the production and must be served on all parties.
eFiling permits attorneys and self-represented parties to send civil unlimited filings to Superior Court system
without filing paper copies. The eFiling process allows for both case initiation and subsequent filings.
When registering, eFilers will be asked to provide information, including name, address and their email address if they
agree to receive service of documents electronically. In order to electronically file documents, you will need to create
an eFiling user account.